Profile Settings

There are a maximum of 6 profiles (Office, Mobile, Home, Vacation, 2x User-defined) as well as the "Internal" profile, if applicable, which you can set up.


Please note:

If a greeting is stored for the "Internal" profile, this greeting is always played when internal subscribers call. Any existing breaks and office hours are not evaluated.

If the "Vacation" profile is active, any office hours and breaks stored on the server or in your user account are not evaluated.


First of all, you have to choose the profile you want to edit.




For every profile - depending on the announcement type - you now can:


Announcement type "personalized":


·record user names
(announcement is valid for all the profiles)

·set up a call transfer

·delete user names (optional; valid for all the profiles)


Announcement type "individual":



·deposit an announcement
(only with announcement type "individual")

·determine whether the caller is enabled to leave a message

·set up a call transfer

·delete the announcement (optional)


Version 8.00