The "Announcement Type" can be chosen here. This setting is valid as long as the user has not got any explicit settings and can be changed in the MMC.
·Individual - The user can deposit an own announcement text ·Personalized - The user can only deposit his name
If the users shall get a welcome mail and an individually generated PIN with the first call, the local domain has to be entered here in order to avoid problems with the delivery to the mail server. The setting can be changed later in the ixi-UMS Voice-Mail Server configuration.
The "Default PIN" is only valid if the delivery of the welcome mail and therewith the providing of an individual PIN is deactivated.
The PIN length or default PIN can be changed at any time under "Default User Settings - Login by Phone" later
Note With ixi-UMS Enterprise 6.60 the encryption of the PIN and the IMAP password for the Individual login at the mail server is increased. Only ixi-UMS Enhanced Voice Packages version 6.60 or higher and the ixi-UMS Voice-Mail Server are supported. Please note that the ixi-UMS Voice-Mailbox tab in the Active Directory must also be renewed.
Version 8.00