Another key feature of the ixi-UMS Voice-Mail Server is that it directly retrieves and handles voice mails, e-mails, faxes and short messages (SMS) - depending on the version installed - from the user mailboxes located on the messaging system. No replication between ixi-UMS and the messaging system store is performed. In order to be able to intercept the messages by telephone, the messaging system must fulfill the following criteria:
·Support of the IMAP protocol in order to access the mailboxes ·Administrative access to the mailbox stores, this means that every mailbox can be accessed with one particular user/password
Alternatively, every user must deposit his own password for the ixi-UMS system in the LDAP-data base. The user gets a link to the respective entry-site with the "Welcome Mail".
The following methods of administrative access are supported:
1.The account entered in the ixi-UMS Voice-Mail Server logs in into the respective user mailbox by the use of the alias (read out from the LDAP-data base). This method is common e.g. with Microsoft Exchange 2016/2019
2.If the IMAP Server supports the "Other Users" namespace according to the RFC 2342, it is possible for the administrator to see the mailbox store of the users. With the particular access permission it is possible to access the mailbox stores with the administrative account. This method has been tested with: ·Lotus Domino 7 and higher ·Cyrus IMAPD
3.Specification of the complete "path" to the inbox of the user
You can find further information and possibilities in How To: "IMAP4 Login".
Version 8.00