
By default, the entire LDAP directory is searched for the login data specified under User login. Here you can specify whether other filters should be applied for user logon.


Restriction by attribute content

An attribute and the required content can be specified.




Attribute: facsimileTelephoneNumber

Value: +49*



Only users who have entered a fax number that starts with 49 in user management can log in.



Attributes: department

Value: Managing director



Only users who have entered the word "business manager" in the "department" field of the user administration can log in.





AD group members only

If Active Directory is used for user management, the instance can be set up for members of a group.


After clicking on "Select group" all groups of the Active Directory are displayed.


ONE group can be selected.



Only users who are also members of this group can log in to this instance.



Version 8.00