Number Conversion


In order to enable the users to reply to a fax, a correctly formatted call number has to be there as sender, e.g. +49 8142 4799666

Depending on what the PBX transmits to the ixi-UMS Kernel, this number might be displayed incorrectly, e.g. +49 8142 08142 4799666 or +8142 4799666

Here, the area code or the outside line access incoming would have to be removed in order to render the call number in the correct format.



Please note that the conversion of the "Calling Party Number" depends on the address information transferred by the PBX. The ixi-UMS Kernel converts the "Calling Party Number" depending on the transferred "Type of Number", "Numbering Plan" as well as "Number Digits". For more detailed information, please refer to the ETS 300 102 - 1.



The entry "Keep area code Delemiter" is only visible if the area code at "General" had been removed. With the removal of the area code, the accompanying delimiter is also removed by default. The number +49 4799555 thus is entered as recipient number.


When the checkmark is set at "Keep area code delimiter", the delimiter of the area code (a space by default) is kept, thus the number +49  4799555 (2 spaces) is entered as recipient number.



The checkmark in the following is to be set only in special cases, e.g. update from old systems.




If the phone number begins in the outgoing UMS-message with + (e.g +390254789) this is shortened normally on grounds of the server site information. After this the "outside line access" is added.


In some countries, the area code has to be dialed also with local calls. In this case, it must activate "Dieal alway national access and area code".

Is to be followed with this setting, how the phone numbers in int. Format addressed / are shown:

e.g. Italien:

national = local shown: 02 64489945

national = local shown: +3902644899 -> the "National AccessCode" 0 is a component of the phone number

In the Server Site must be put down 02 as a "Area Code" and the "National Access Code" must be empty


e.g. Belgien:

national = local shown: 083 64489945

national = local shown: +3983644899 -> the "National AccessCode" 0 is not a component of the phone number

In the Server Site must be put down 83 as a "Area Code" and in the "National Access Code" must must be put down 0


Version ixi-UMS_Enterprise_6.70