
In Server Site you can specify the ixi-UMS Kernel site settings like:


Country Code

Country code of the country where the ixi-UMS Kernel installation is located.

Area Code

Area code of the ixi-UMS Kernel installation without the leading 0. For Olching, this would be 8142.

ex_yellow_sm Known exceptions: Italy - here, the leading 0 has to be entered.

Subscriber Number

Subscriber number of the ixi-UMS Kernel installation.

With PP, the main number has to be entered in the field in most cases.

With PMP, the field often stays empty.

ex_yellow_sm Please have a look at the PBX configuration sheet filled out by your PBX-technician.



National AccessCode

Code to be added to the called number in outgoing messages within the country.


International Access Code

Code to be added to the called number in outgoing messages leaving the country.


Outside Line Access

Code to be dialed for getting a call out of the PBX (added to the called number in outgoing messages).






Internal Length

Determines, how many digits are considered as internal call number, this means that no outside line is needed and therefore is not dialed.

Here in the example: Fax numbers with more than 3 digits need an outside line (see screenshot).

Moreover, the sender identification (e.g. with the reception of internal calls /faxes) is changed into the international format if it the number has 5 digits or less.


Allow outgoing messages only in E.164-format..

If this option is activated, outgoing messages will only be processed if the message has been addressed in the format + 49xxx.

Outgoing messages addressed in another format are sent back to the sender with corresponding information.


Version ixi-UMS_Enterprise_6.70