
Here you can determine, whether the incoming faxes are delivered to the recipient as PDF- and / or as TIF-attachment in the mail client. Some additional options are only available when the fax messages are converted into PDF-format.


TIF + PDF-Format

If this option is selected, you can specify (when receiving the messages via a ixi-UMS SMTP-based connector in a mail serve) per user whether he receives the messages as Tif and / or PDF file.

Bor all other <% IXI-UMS%> connectors, this setting can be made per instance.


Set dokument type global

If all recipients and connectors should receive the ixi-UMS in the same format, it can be specified whether the fax message is delivered as a TIF or PDF file.





When incoming faxes are converted to a PDF file, by default the file is created as "Normal PDF" (in PDF 1.4 version).

Optionally, the files can be created in PDF/A-3b format (PDF version 1.4). This format is recommended by the KLA (Digital Archive Committee) for archiving files in the authorities and courts.



A PDF file in PDF/A format (especially if the report or the receipt stamp is included in the PDF) is significantly larger than a "standard PDF" file, because, among other things, the fonts are embedded.

If PDF/A is not explicitly required, the setting "Normal PDF" is recommended.


Include Report in the PDF....

When the faxes are delivered to the user in PDF-format, the report of the ixi-UMS server and the OCR-Text - if available - can be imported into the PDF.



The ixi-UMS Kernel report is inserted in the "Text only" format. Follow the setting to the language and contents.


Use unique filenames..:

By default, the file name of all the incoming fax messages is "Fax.pdf" or "Fax.tif". The file name can be extended by date/time, if the file be converted into a PDF-file

The default format of the file names can be adjusted, if necessary.


Version ixi-UMS_Enterprise_6.70