Here you can determine, whether the incoming faxes are delivered to the recipient as PDF- and / or as TIF-attachment in the mail client. Some additional options are only available when the fax messages are converted into PDF-format.
TIF + PDF-Format If this option is selected, you can specify (when receiving the messages via a ixi-UMS SMTP-based connector in a mail serve) per user whether he receives the messages as Tif and / or PDF file. Bor all other <% IXI-UMS%> connectors, this setting can be made per instance.
Set dokument type global If all recipients and connectors should receive the ixi-UMS in the same format, it can be specified whether the fax message is delivered as a TIF or PDF file.
PDF-Format When incoming faxes are converted to a PDF file, by default the file is created as "Normal PDF" (in PDF 1.4 version). Optionally, the files can be created in PDF/A-3b format (PDF version 1.4). This format is recommended by the KLA (Digital Archive Committee) for archiving files in the authorities and courts.
Include Report in the PDF.... When the faxes are delivered to the user in PDF-format, the report of the ixi-UMS server and the OCR-Text - if available - can be imported into the PDF.
Use unique filenames..: By default, the file name of all the incoming fax messages is "Fax.pdf" or "Fax.tif". The file name can be extended by date/time, if the file be converted into a PDF-file The default format of the file names can be adjusted, if necessary.
Version ixi-UMS_Enterprise_6.70