The available fields are different, depending on which sort of ixi-UMS Connector is deployed. Basically, the available fields and their description can be read out from the .tmp-file in the directory ...\ixi-UMS Kernel\ConnRootDir\_CR\<Connector>\Out. In order to get the file, the ixi-UMS Kernel Service must be stopped and a fax has to be sent out of the respective system.
ixi-UMS FAPI Connector When an ixi-UMS FAPI Connector is deployed, the available header lines are predefined by the configuration and set-up of the ixi-UMS Connector. The fields must be filled by transfer from the connected system.
ixi-UMS Connector for use with SAP® R/3® With messages out of a SAP-system, a lot of information is entered per instance, not per user. We recommend the routing to "recipient address" (= destination) or by means of the sender address (= Mail From)
SMTP-based ixi-UMS Connector When deploying an SMTP-based ixi-UMS Connector, the header information is read out from an LDAP-data base. The following header fields are available:
Version ixi-UMS_Enterprise_6.70