Website for ixi-UMS User Preferences

Since  ixi-UMS Version 5.85 the user can use the website „ixi-UMS User Preference" to select his own coverpage. Since Version 6.30 the user can selcet the ixi-UMS Kernel Report (in HTML) language, too.



For this option the ixi-UMS mail Server Connector or the ixi-UMS SMTP/Domino/Exchange Connector is recommend


After login the user can select one of the coverpages deposited by the administrator. All folders deposited by the administrator with covers are indicated.

Optionally the user can put down an individual fax-head line.





For more information, see  the manual from ixi-UMS mail Server Connector or ixi-UMS SMTP/Domino/Exchange Connectors and th How To.


Version ixi-UMS_Enterprise_6.70