
After the login, you are directed to the start page. Here you can get an overview of which profile is set and what you deposited in this profile. Therewith you can see at a glance which options are available to the caller.




Via the menu on the left side you can switch between the individual configuration interfaces. The available menu items are specified by the administrator.

At the top right you can Logoff and switch to individual Settings.



here you can set the language for the browser-based ixi-UMS voice-mailbox configuration.




Click on "ixi-UMS voice-mailbox configuration" in the upper left corner to get back to the configuration.



Set Profiles

In the field, you can determine the Default profile. If no office hours are set, the profile is always active. Behind it, you will see in (...) whether this profile is currently active or, because you are out of office hours, not.


Via the link "Edit profile" you can change directly to the selected profile to change the settings.


Underneath the existing options and settings of this profile are shown.



Profile used during non-office hours/during breaks

If "office hours" are used to control the ixi-UMS voice-mailbox, you can set the after-work and break profile


Valid for all profiles

You must specify which announcement language is given to the caller, or he can select. Please take care that you deposit an announcement text for the respective language.




Please define whether the caller shall hear your German or your English announcement.



All languages available are offered to the caller. By pressing the respective key he then can decide, which of the laguages offered he prefers.


By means of country code:

The language of the announcement is determined on the basis of the sender number of the caller. When the incoming call number e.g. is +49 8142 4799xxx, the language is German (default). Please ask your administrator about the available settings / options.


Informations about your voice-mailbox

Here you can see what options are available to you when dialing by telephone to the voice mailbox.






If you have access by phone, you can specify whether the menu is available on the phone in German or English.


Version ixi-UMS_Enterprise_6.70