
When a call comes in, the call number of the recipient is searched in the LDAP-data base. By default, the call number corresponds with the ixi-UMS number. Which LDAP-attributes shall be searched for this number has been determined with the installation/configuration of the ixi-UMS Connector. Only in exceptional cases and only when fax number and voice number are different, it may make sense to change/shorten the Search string for the ixi-UMS Voice-Mail Server. The search string can only be changed if at "Connection", "individual LDAP settings" were entered.




The "UMS Attribute Field" determines the name of the LDAP-attribute, in which the user data of ixi-UMS and ixi-UMS Voice-Mail Server are stored. The name of the attribute depends on the mail system/LDAP-server that is used.

Basically, you can use any attribute which fulfills the following requirements:


·String attributed and unlimited length
·String attribute (multiple values) and length at least 2 KB


Exception: IBM Domino. Here, the extension of the "names.nsf" is absolutely required.


If the ixi-UMS user data (permissions, sender numbers) are stored in another Attribute (see ixi-UMS Connector), this Attribute must be entered.

If users shall be informed about new messages by SMS, the ISDN-sender number entered in the ixi-UMS tab of the user is used.


Enable increased encryption (not for user management in IBM Domino)

With ixi-UMS Enterprise 6.60, the encryption of the PIN and the IMAP password for the individual IMAP4-login on the mail server is increased. Activate this selection only if all ixi-UMS Enhanced Voice Packages installed in the network are version 6.60 or higher or if ixi-UMS Voice Mail Server is installed everywhere.

Please note that the ixi-UMS voice-mailbox tab in the Active Directory must also be renewed.


Version ixi-UMS_Enterprise_6.70