Remote Inquiry

When the ixi-UMS Voice-Mail Server is installed in the "Mobile Package"-variant and the feature "TTS" is enabled, the following options for forwarding a message (depending on the message type) are offered to the user:


·Forward as Voice        
·Forward as Fax        
·Forward as E-Mail        
·Forward as SMS                
·call back the originator
·send as SMS to the own mobile phone
This option is only available if the message is accessed by mobile phone.


If "TTS" is not enabled, the choice is reduced accordingly.


If the users shall not have all the options at their disposal,



the choice in the menu can be faded out.


There is no check whether a selection then is still available at all!



When accessing and then forwarding a voice mail, the options "Forward as Voice" and "Forward as E-Mail" are offered by default. If both the processing options had been disabled, the user is informed like this:

"Please choose the processing mode. Press 0 for back."



In a MultiSite-environment, the option "Forward as E-Mail" is only possible for one site and this should not be offered.



Version ixi-UMS_Enterprise_6.70