
Instance Display Name:

This is the display name at the Microsoft MMC.


ixi-UMS-Sender Number:

Here the same information as in the ixi-UMS Kernel sender information shall be entered at "Hardware - Fax".

On the basis of this information, the sender number passed on by the SAP-system is shortened to the sender number to be sent. The call number must be entered in international format without extension(s).




The ixi-UMS Connector receives the user fax sender number (e.g. +49 8142 4838555) by the SAP R/3 system determined as default in the R/3 Customizing as (Mail From) sender address. By means of the Kernel sender number (+49 8142 4838), theixi-UMS Connector detects the individual extension of the fax sender (here: 555) and passes this on to the ixi-UMS Kernel (Sender-ID).


Cover Page Folder:

Here a folder can be stated that contains a fax cover page and a layout-file. When nothing is entered, the "Default-Folder" entered in the ixi-UMS Render Connector is used.

Remark: With fax messages out of SAP, no fax cover page is generated by default. The layout-file is used.


Always Send Cover Page:

When this option is enabled, a cover page is put in front of EVERY outgoing fax transmitted from the SAP R/3 system and a layout is put behind every page. Please refer to the ixi-UMS Render Connector Manual.


Deliver inbound jobs and reports as

From ixi-UMS Enterprise Version 6.60, can be set for each instance if the ixi-UMS faxes delivered in TIF and/or PDF format. Pretension is the corresponding setting in the ixi-UMS Render Connector under "Incoming Messages".

If only the "local message store" is used, this setting is not relevant.


Fax Headline:

This specification overwrites the sender ID in the ixi-UMS Kernel. You can specify your own headline for each instance.


Send outbound messages with SAP flag "Express" set high prio: If this option is enabled, fax messages from SAP that are declared as "Express" are sent by the ixi-UMS Kernel with high priority.


Version ixi-UMS_Enterprise_6.70