Delete Instanz

Each instance can be deleted using the "Remove instance" button.


In this case the data will be deleted:

·the corresponding ixi-UMS Mail Server Connector (instance) service
·optionally the associated ixi-UMS PrintUnread service
·all associated directories
·all corresponding configuration data




The ixi-UMS user data in the respective LDAP database is not deleted.

Also a schema extension of the Active Directorys or the extension of names.nsf at IBM Domino will not be removed.


The extension of names.nsf on IBM Domino can be removed manually at any time by calling the ixi-UMS installation database again.


The ixi-UMS card in the user management of the Activ Directory must be unregistered manually on all computers on which the ixi-UMS card is visible. See under How To the instruction Registering the ixi-UMS User Management Card



If ixi-UMS messages that have not yet been sent are found in the SMTP part of the instance, corresponding information is output.


If the messages are not to be deleted, the directory containing the messages is not deleted.



If ixi-UMS Enterprise continues to be used after deleting an instance, please check the settings under "Connectors" in the ixi-UMS Kernel Configuration.


Version ixi-UMS_Enterprise_6.70