Add Server


A server always has to be determined for a location directly. In order to be able to enter the connection data to a new server, the location has to be marked and then opened via the button "Edit".




Via "Add", the connection data to the single servers can be entered.

Please enter a clear description here, e.g. the location of the server or the name of the machine.


After that, the transfer type has to be determined.



If the connection via WebDav is used (recommended, especially for WAN or long-distance LAN-connections), the "Kernel Directory" must be entered as URL.



The entry depends on the configuration of the respective Apache Server. Use the same "server name" and follow the spelling of the WebDav-share.


By use of HTTPS you read please also "SSL connections" under "How To".



If "UNC" is selected as transfer type, the respective ixi-UMS Kernel directory must be shared.





When using HTTPS, please have a look at"SSL connections" at How To as well.


Version ixi-UMS_Enterprise_6.70