
Every ixi-UMS MDS needs a unique identification which is used for the renaming and copying of files. When multiple ixi-UMS MDS are deployed, a unique name has to be assigned to each of them. The name should not consist of more than 6 characters.


At "Directory Settings", all the needed directories have to be entered. A change of the directories entered with the setup is only required if the ixi-UMS MDS is going to be integrated into an existing structure.



Connector Root Directory

Directory in that all the ixi-UMS Connector directories are stored. See also "Output Directory in the ixi-UMS Connectors"


Routing Directory

In this directory, the outgoing messages from ixi-UMS MDS - sorted according to the destination - are deposited until they are sent


Directory for jobs that could not be routed

When the message is addressed to a recipient number that cannot be assigned to a destination in the routing table, the message is shifted to an own directory, e.g. "NoRouteDir". Here it can/must be processed by the administrator manually.


Version ixi-UMS_Enterprise_6.70