Preparing your Messaging System

To be able to access to the mailbox, change the IMAP4-settings are required in the mail to servers.

With all mailsystems the mailbox access by IMAP4 can be executed by means of an "Individual IMAP4 User Log-in".


According to mail server and used LDAP-database the users must deposit the IMAP-user name and/or the mail server password in the ixi-UMS Business Voice-mailbox configuration.


By using a Microsoft Exchange server the kind of the IMAP4 authentication must be changed in general with it ixi-UMS Business by IMAP4 can access this.

For forwarding and sending ixi-UMS messages by phone the "Relaying" must be permitted, in addition, for the ixi-UMS address types.



Version ixi-UMS_6_Business_SR3