Rights which apply globally on the server for all users can be configured here. If a right is configured here all users have this right regardless of the group or user configuration.
Changes of user rights are usually activated immediately for the entire system. Large installations possibly need longer because of changes made to user rights! |
Give all users the following rights against each other
Mutual global rights can be defined between all users here. If authorization is given here it is valid regardless of the groups or user configuration. Details of authorizations can be found under User authorizations.
Users may configure their profiles personally
When installing the workstations you can give users responsibility for configuring their settings themselves. Users are then asked to enter their own settings. The server is thus configured with the users' help. You can revoke this setting again at any time when the server is fully configured.
If this option is selected, all users may change their personal settings in the user administration themselves. These setting changes can be made by the user in the 'My computer' settings. The following settings are possible (view also User):
Depending on the selected user administration, users with administration rights for their account can change the following settings themselves:
Setting | Active Directory® | Integrated user database |
First name | - | X |
Last name | - | X |
Displayed name | - | X |
E-mail address | - | X |
Password | X | X |
Company | X² | X |
Title | X² | X |
Office | X² | X |
Street and house number | X² | X |
Postal code / city | X² | X |
State | X² | X |
Country | X² | X |
Web page | X² | X |
Business phone number | X² | X |
Second business phone number | X² | X |
Services - software | X² | X |
Mobile phone number | X² | X |
Mailbox phone number | X | X |
Recording Server phone number | X | X |
First phone | X | X |
Second phone | X | X |
Services | X | X |
Own phones | X | X |
Computer phones | X | X |
Contact address / Image | - | X |
Softphone, audio chat
If this option is activated, the users are allowed to use audio chat and softphone with other users.
Softphone, audio/video chat
If this option is activated, the users are allowed to use audio chat, video chat and softphone conversations with other users.
Enable screen sharing rights via federation
If this option is set the screen sharing rights specified by the administator can also be used via SIP federation. Users across enterprises (different domains) may share their screen with other users. Users within the same enterprise (same domain) may also invite other users to share screens.
Accept screen sharing requests
If this option has been enabled, all users may only use the screen sharing features when they have been invited by another user.
Initiate desktop sharing
If this option has been enabled, all users may independently share their desktops with other users as well as invite other users to share desktops.
Enable access to the whole journal for all users
All users can be given access to the phone journals of all users here. This, however, only makes sense with installations which have a small number of users.
This setting is not recommended for data protection reasons and is also not activated by default. |
Users are allowed to delete journal entries
Journal entries can only be amended later to a limited extent by the user. The user can change, for example, a call note or the call participant. The user is able to delete journal entries if this option is activated.
All users have all users in the monitor
If this option is activated, a special group is set up for every system user in the client monitor in which the user can see all other UC software users.
This option only makes sense for installations with a small number of users. For a large number of users (more than 20) such an administrative parameter can be set via the groups.
Automatically provide phone numbers as lines which are configured in the user account.
Phone numbers, configured in the user account are automatically used by the server for the line binding. If the server finds a line for a user's phone numbers, then this line is automatically assigned to the user. If this automatism cannot be used in the existing environment, it can be deactivated via this option. View Automatic line binding.
Profile page visible to anonymous users
If this option is enabled, the user contact data are visible via the business card of the Web service.
Version ProCall_Enterprise_7.0