
The location settings are used to enable the right dailing and display of phone numbers.

Only with the right location settings it is possible that external phone numbers are dialed and displayed properly.

This section of the help file will describe the individual configuration parameters on the Location Settings dialog. If a location is depicted, the following pages will provide all information necessary for configuration. If several networked locations must be setup, all information for special configuration scenarios can be found in the Location Designs section.

Choose your country from this list.

Area code
Enter your local area dialing code here. This is for example 030 for Berlin or 44 for Zurich (Switzerland).
The leading 0 is not necessary and is removed by the system when the settings are saved.

Display Advanced Settings
The location settings have many options that will only be needed in special cases. Settings that are not mandatory for normal operation will not be displayed by the wizard.

The advanced settings include:

  • Rules for the detection of internal and external phone numbers
  • Rules for formatting the line phone numbers
  • Special formatting of phone numbers that will be registered by the telephone system
  • Special formatting of phone numbers that will be transferred to the telephone system for dialing
  • Least cost routing
  • Vanity phone numbers

Version ProCall_Enterprise_7.0