
These rules apply to phone numbers reported by the TAPI driver of the phone system.

You can enter several extension numbers, separated by commas, in all fields. Normally the extension numbers are identical (default value: 0).

Remove access code from phone numbers:

  • reported as incoming:
    Enter the extension numbers to be deleted from the phone number in case of incoming calls.
  • reported as outgoing:
    Enter the extension numbers to be deleted from the phone number in case of outgoing calls.
  • reported as a forwarded call:
    Enter the extension numbers which must be removed from the phone number in case of forwarded calls.

Remove access code in case of ConnectedID:

  • reported as incoming
    Enter the extension numbers which should be removed from the number for incoming connected calls.
  • reported as outgoing
    Enter the extension numbers which should be removed from the number for outgoing connected calls.
  • Ignore ConnectedID
    If the driver for the telephone system reports inconsistent number formats for ConnectedID (different forms of numbers to get an outside line for incoming, outgoing or connected calls), you must ignore the ConnectedID. As a result, you will not see the actual number of the person at the other end, but only the number of the person called or calling.
    This option is the last chance to catch inconsistent numbers from the driver. Please try first to make the reported numbers consistent by configuring the driver or the telephone system. Only activate this feature when it is absolutely necessary.

Version ProCall_Enterprise_7.0