Base configuration

The base configuration of the estos ProCall occurs directly after the installation of the software. The base configuration can also be started any time later via the Windows® start menu at the estos ProCall Workstation Settings. The following configuration options are available:

Basic user settings are to be done by the estos UCServer Administrator. Beside the central configuration several options can be configured at the workstation using the estos ProCall workstation settings. This way it is possible to fully maintain the workstation settings. If the user got the right from the administrator to configure the workstation settings by himself the user may change the settings anytime.

The configuration of specific configuration options requires administrative estos UCServer access rights. The user may need to login as administrator in this case. At the related configuration page a login option as administrator appears.
If you are using a active directory based usermanagement, there are some settings a user cannot change.

Version ProCall_Enterprise_5.1