Exchange Web Services

Profile dialog
This dialog shows all configures mailboxes. Mailboxes can be added or removed here, and the default mailbox can be selected.
Mailboxes read from Outlook® will be shown greyed-out and cannot be removed.

  • Default mailbox
    In this mailbox tasks will be saved (if wanted), and appointments used to create a presence state.
  • Use EWS only (deactivate MAPI)
    Deactivates the MAPI-interface. Without this checkbox, MAPI and EWS will be used at the same time.
  • Monitor Outlook® inbox with EWS
    With this setting estos ProCall watches the default mailbox and shows unread mails.

Add mailbox dialog
estos ProCall can log on to an Exchange-Server with your Windows® credentials or using usename and password.
The necessary Exchange Web Services URL can usually detected automatically, and you only have to enter your e-mail address.

  • Email Address
    The e-mail address of the mailbox that should be added.
  • Server URL
    The Exchange Web Services URL which should be used.
    This is usually similar to 'https://yourserver.domain/EWS/Exchange.amsx'
  • Detect server URL automatically
    This URL can usually be detected by estos ProCall automatically.
    If this is not possible, you can disable the auto detection and enter the URL manually.
  • Use Windows® Login
    If it is possible to authenticate against the Exchange Server by using your domain credentials, this option should be set.
    Otherwise, estos ProCall will ask for an username and password.

Version ProCall_Enterprise_5.1