Frequently Asked Questions

You will find answers to frequently asked questions as well as note about Functional Limitations.

We have also collected notes about the Login Process.

An error message in the browser when testing accessibility: The web site cannot be displayed.

Description of the Problem You will want to check accessibility from the UCServer Web Services Administration window after installation and configuration. To do so, click the displayed link, which will open a browser that will request a user name and password. The message, the web site cannot be displayed, is returned after successful authentication.
  • The UCServer Web Services web site could not be started after installation, because the specified port may, example, be in use by another application. This is often the case, when you use the MetaDirectory web server, which listens to Port 80. As a consequence the web site where UCServer Web Services has been installed cannot be started.
  • Anonymous authentication has not been enabled for an IIS system that was installed in advance. This will lead to IIS itself attempting authentication using the specified user information, which must fail.
Solution First, check if anonymous authentication has been enabled for the web site and the application in IIS Administration. If the problem continues to happen, first change the UCServer Web Services port by re-installing and running the configuration wizard or by manually configuring from IIS (change the port binding). You should finally be able to start the corresponding web site and repeat the accessibility test.

An error message in the browser when testing accessibility: 502 bad gateway.

Description of the Problem You will want to check accessibility from the UCServer Web Services Administration window after installation and configuration. To do so, click the displayed link, which will open a browser that will request a user name and password. The message, 502 Bad Gateway, is returned after successful authentication.
Reason The returned error message indicates that estos UCServer cannot be accessed from UCServer Web Services or that a corresponding license is not available.
Solution First check if you can access the corresponding UCServer from the computer, where UCServer Web Services has been installed. For example, you can verify this by installing and configuring a estos ProCall. Alternatively, there is the option of testing accessibility by using TelNet to access the configured port. If you have not deviated from the standard, the command would be: telnet servername 7222, for example. Alternatively, you can also use the IP address for your UCServer system in order to exclude a problem in the DNS resolution of the name. Enter this address from UCServer Web Services Administration on the Configuration tab under UCServer and repeat the test using a web browser, once you have accepted the settings.

Contacts are missing or MetaDirectory records are not displayed

Description of the Problem Searching the connected client returns fewer matches than the same query on my desktop client. Search results from MetaDirectory are not displayed.
Reason You will need MetaDirectory 3.5 or later for integrating MetaDirectory into UCServer Web Services.
Solution Check the version number for your MetaDirectory and download the most current version from our web site (

Scheduled calls are not displayed in the client application

Description of the Problem Although scheduled calls have been saved in your estos ProCall desktop client, they are not displayed in the client application.
Reason If you are using Microsoft Outlook® (user settings in the estos ProCall) instead of the estos UCServer to schedule calls, you will not be able to view your scheduled calls from within the client application. Your client application will use direct communication with UCServer instead uf estos ProCall. Therefore UCServer could not manage your scheduled calls.
Solution Change the management of scheduled calls in your desktop to UCServer.

A search for contacts that contain special characters (such as the umlauts: ä, ö or ü) from the client leads to a connection error.

Description of the Problem You are using a threat management gateway from Microsoft® as a firewall. Searches for contacts that contain special characters will lead to the following error message: Connection error: Please check your Internet connection and try again.
Reason The search term is entered in a query via the URL. There, all special characters, including German umlauts, are "URL encoded". If you are using a Microsoft® Threat Management Gateway (TMG:, this can lead to the indicated error message, if the configuration of the firewall forbids high-bit characters in URLs. That setting will cause any further processing to be rejected with a 500-range HTTP result.
Solution Disable the Block High-bit Characters option in your Microsoft® TMG firewall.

Version ProCall_Enterprise_5.1