Replicator for Tobit David Server

Please read the basic notes for setting up a replicator on the Replicator Wizard page.

To establish a link to Tobit David, the Tobit Info Center must be installed.
Access to Tobit can sometimes take a long time. Please wait for the Tobit API to respond when searching for archives or contacts in large data stores.
Client-side integration is provided in combination with estos ProCall, which means you can open a contact directly in Tobit using estos ProCall (e.g., for an incoming call).
Use of the Tobit David Replicator will remain free after the expiration of the trial period, as long as estos MetaDirectory is used together with ProCall. Please enter your ProCall license in the settings for the estos MetaDirectory license after the expiration of the trial period, in order to continue using the Tobit David Replicator.

Procedure for Adding a Replicator

  1. Select the type of data source
    Select the Tobit David database type.
  2. Define login information to access the datasource
  3. Settings for the data source (selection of the server, the data structure that should be imported and so forth)
    Tobit server
    Specify the name of the Tobit server here. If you do not specify a server, the default server will be used.
    User Name
    Enter the user name for establishing a connection to the Tobit server.
    Enter the user's password here.
    David Archive
    Name the archive from which you want to retrieve contact information.
  4. Field Assignment: Which Source Fields will be copied to which LDAP Fields
  5. Configure links to contact URL
  6. Datasource location settings
  7. Schedule replication plan
  8. Defining additional applications to be started
  9. Assigning a name to the new replicator

Version MetaDirectory_3.5