
License / MetaDirectory Version:

Search Interceptor does not have its own licensing. Licensing takes place via estos MetaDirectory, version 3.5 or higher. You will require an Enterprise license to be able to use Search Interceptor. If errors occur with regard to the connection licensing, the following error messages can appear:

If Search Interceptor can not make a connection to MetaDirectory for the configuration, the configuration cannot be saved.

The following error messages can appear here:

The user management of MetaDirectory was not activated
Search Interceptor requires an activated user administration in MetaDirectory. Activate the user administration in MetaDirectory. Details can be found in the chapter Configuration of MetaDirectory.

The DNS name of MetaDirectory could not be resolved.
Check whether the configured DNS name IP addresses can be resolved.

MetaDirectory could not be accessed.
Check whether MetaDirectory can be accessed under the specified DNS name, IP address.

The Powershell command ... could not be executed. Error message: ...
To export the configuration of the Skype for Business® Server, Powershell commands are used. If the command fails, an error message of this type is generated. A similar message can also occur for other configuration steps. Try to call up the Powershell command on the Skype for Business® Server via the Skype for Business® Powershell. If you receive the same error message here, this indicates a basic problem with your Skype for Business® Server. If the command can be executed in the Skype for Business® Powershell without problem, try to save the settings again. Sometimes problems only occur temporarily, for example when the associated Active Directory® Server cannot be accessed for a short time. If the command in the Skype for Business® PowerShell be easily executable, try the settings again to save. Sometimes problems occur only temporarily, for example when the associated Active Directory® Server momentarily can not be reached.

Other possible error sources:

Skype for Business® Client Search does not provide any results
To check whether MetaDirectory generally provides data for a Skype for Business® user, open the webpage of MetaDirectory in a web browser http://servername_or_ip/ on the computer of the user. If the page cannot be displayed, check the connection to MetaDirectory. If the page is displayed, search for a contact that you know is located in the database of MetaDirectory.

If the webpage of MetaDirectory provides the expected data but not the Skype for Business® Client, restart the Skype for Business® Client. Beforehand you should make sure that the system time on the Skype for Business® Client and the Skype for Business® Server are synchronized. Otherwise it may occur that you are logged on the Skype for Business® Server via a saved profile but a changed setting is not transferred to the client.

Error 403 access denied
The user does not have authorization for the search in MetaDirectory. Please check in MetaDirectory whether the logged-in user is activated.

Which changes are made in the web.config of Skype for Business®?
The relevant web.config under C:\Program Files\Microsoft® Skype for Business® Server 2013\WebComponents\Group Expansion\Int bzw. C:\Program Files\Microsoft® Skype for Business® Server 2013\Web Components\GroupExpansion\Ext is extended with the following content:

		<add key="MetaHost" value="APP.Skype for Businesstest.local" />
		<add key="MetaHostPort" value="712" />
		<add key="PSCVersion" value="" />
		<add key="UseDataSourceLdaps" value="False" />
		<add key="UseDataSourceCredentials" value="False" />
		<add key="DataSourcePass" value="" />
		<add key="Share" value="share" />
		<add key="WebServiceId" value="1-WebServices-1" />
		<add name="estosSearchConnector" type="estos.Phonetools.Skype for BusinessServer.SearchConnector.SearchBehaviorExtensionElement,SearchConnector" />
		<estosSearchConnector />

Search Interceptor can be completely deactivated by removing the internal and external search in General Settings. After saving the deactivated configuration, the changes are undone in the web.config as well as for the deinstallation of the product. For backup, the administration tool creates a copy of the original Web.config in the same directory under the name "Web.config_original_estos". This allows the original web.config to be restored by renaming.

Version Lync_Tools_4.0