Connection Settings

Configure the access to the BroadWorks platform of your provider. Select a pre-configured access profile (host, port, type of connection, different URL-Prefix) or configure the access manually (selection: individual). You can get the information for the manual access configuration from your service provider.

Host name or IP
The DNS-name of the BroadWorks platform of your service provider. The ECSTA for BroadWorks always tries to resolve a SRV record to its target via an SRV lookup.If a corresponding entry is found, it will be used as the destination. If no SRV record is found, the URL entered in the configuration will be used ( see requirements)

The port at which the access to the BroadWorks platform is provided by your service provider.

Connection type
The type of connection to the service provider. You can choose from different connection types.

CTI(s) Connection (unencrypted/encrypted)For the communication with the BroadWorks CTI interface, ECSTA for BroadWorks will establish an encrypted or unencrypted TCP connection. Processing certain requests, e.g. reading out the lines or using the remote office function requires additional access via http (port 80 or 443 with encrypted connection) (see prerequisites).
This connection type should be used if your provider offers it. The persistent TCP connection creates less load on both sides and works much better.
http(s) Connection (unencrypted/encrypted)For the communication of the ECSTA for BroadWorks with the BroadWorks platform via the BroadWorks XSI interface, ECSTA for BroadWorks sets up temporary http connections (encrypted or unencrypted) to the XSI interface for issuing the individual requests.


ProviderServer nameConnection TypePortDifferent URL-Prefix
Plusnet GmbH (Deutschland)web.centraflex.deCTI(s) encrypted8012-
Routit (Netherlands)cai.voipit.nlhttp(s) encrypted443nl.cai

Enter the access data of the workstation user in the case of an installation in workstation mode. In the case of an installation in server mode, enter the access data of the groups’ administrator.

Check connection
You can test whether you can establish a connection to the BroadWorks platform of your service provider and also log in there with the connection and access data.

Comments for this connection
Here you can enter comments, notes and the like.

Version ECSTA_5