General Settings

The connection between PBX and Server can be established using a TCP/IP connection to the LAN interface of the PBX.

The connection between the Hicom system and the PC may be established using a serial cable, an ISDN controller or via TCP/IP to a XPress@LAN (HG1500).

Connection using a network (TCP/IP)
Enter the host name or IP address of your PBX system.
The default TCP port for the CSTA connection is 7001.
The TCP port for the CSTA connection to the OpenOffice ME is 8800.
Please note:
Enter the IP address of the PBX itself, not the one of the LAN module.

Connection using an ISDN controller:
Should an ISDN card be used, it has to provide a Capi2032.dll (this file should be found in the Windows® System index). The ISDN card must support User-User Signaling (USBS). Note: for example, use Dialogic Diva Server.
Attention: AVM and Teles ISDN cards at present do not support this function (as of July 2009).
The default ISDN-number is 891.
See also Telephone system configuration.

Connection using a serial cable:
Make sure that the Baud rate of your Hipath corresponds to the settings of the driver. See also configure telephone system <
Com Port
Please choose the serial port where the Hipath is connected to.

Version ECSTA_4