TAPI Lines

Enter the lines that the Tapi driver should provide as Tapi lines. The number is the internal phone number, the device-ID is the MAC address of the phone, the name will be used just for display. Optionally, each line may use additional line buttons from the phone as Tapi addresses. Enter the line buttons as semicolon seperated list of phone numbers (e.g. 9011;9012;9013).

Supported Telephones
Only SCCP Phones are supported. It is not possible to use SIP phones.

Phone Number Format
The lines can be optionally as an internal phone number, for example 123 or canonical +49(30)12345-123
You should use canonical phone numbers if you use several instances of Tapi driver and thus switch on several telephone systems at the same time. A canonical phone number consists as follows:
+Country code (prefix) Local prefix-extension
In the dialogue Location You can configure the country code, area code and local dialing prefix.

Menu Extras
This menu contains the following additional actions.

Load Lines from PBX
The available lines are loaded automatically from the CallManager. This action requires the AXL configuration in the CallManager.

CallManager CSTA configuration
This dialog assists you with the CSTA configuration of the CallManager. The AXL user must have write access (level 15).

Manual addition of a line
Enter the internal phone number of the phone. The device-ID is the MAC address of the phone where the number is configured as line button. In case of a extension mobility user the device-ID must be empty. Optionally, you can enter a name. Optionally, you may add the phone numbers of additional line buttons on the phone.

Import text
You may import a list of lines from a text file. Each line must contain the phone number;name;device-ID;line buttons.

Export text
You may export the actual line configuration to a text file.

After the installation of the driver it may be necessary to restart the computer.

Version ECSTA_4