Advanced Settings

Readout line names
If this option is active, the names for the phone numbers are loaded from the CallManager during readout of the lines.

Readout line buttons
If this option is active, the additional line buttons are loaded from the CallManager during readout of the lines. These line buttons are added as Tapi addresses.
See also Tapi driver operation mode.

Snapshot for active calls
The driver can validate existing calls. This prevents that calls are displayed on the PC that do no more exist in the PBX system.
The higher this value the longer it takes for the driver to detect a hanging call. The lower this value the higher is the load on the PBX.
Enter a time interval in seconds.

Retry MonitorStart
In case the driver cannot start the monitoring of an extension for example because the extension is not connected to the PBX, the driver will retry the montoring at regular intervals.
Enter a time interval in seconds.

Update available lines
The AXL connection is used to query the registered phones from the CallManager. This will be used to detect extension mobility logins and temporarily unregistered phones. The given interval is the maximum time span the driver takes to detect phone register actions.
Enter a time interval in seconds.

Version ECSTA_4