
ActiveContacts offer buttons for call establishment, chat capabilities and they grant access to the context menu offering further functions.

The tooltip help of an ActiveContact contains all available information in text format.

A double click on an ActiveContact opens a window showing the related contact details. A right click on an ActiveContact opens the related context menu offering further functions.

Moving the mouse over the ActiveContact buttons displays a tooltip help. A left click on an ActiveContact displays the function buttons listed below:

Call a contact by phone, plan a phone call or prepare a phone call.
Start a Chat with the contact.

The following icons may be displayed:
The small phone icon displays a user's line and its status. A phone is displayed for each of the user's visible lines (maximum two). If the line is diverted the phone is complemented with a small arrow.
The small calendar icon displays the status of the user's calendar if there is an appointment now or in the future (within 24 hours).

Version R2