Tapi line group properties

The lines are aggregated in groups. The properties of the group apply to all of the lines in the group. To display the properties of the group, highlight the group and choose Properties in the context menu. The settings described here apply for TAPI and ECSTA line groups.

In the properties only settings are shown which are supported by the TAPI or ECSTA used.

  • Use all the group's lines
    If this option is active all the group's lines are switched on.
  • Automatically use line
    If you have activated this option, the lines will be opened automatically once somebody shows an interest in this line (users, computer, remote TAPI driver, etc.)
  • Create line automatically as required
    This option is only available for ECSTA drivers.
    If you have activated this option, the lines will be set up and opened automatically once somebody shows an interest in this line (user, computer, remote TAPI driver, etc.). This means that computers can no longer select from the list of available lines, but must enter the respective number when a line is assigned to a user. The estos UCServer will instruct the ECSTA driver to open and provide the line in the telephone system. As soon as the driver offers the line, it will become operative automatically.
  • Activate journal for all lines
    Every call is written to the journal database for all the line group's lines.
  • Set phone numbers automatically
    If this option is set the lines' phone numbers are always automatically read out. This option should be deactivated if the phone numbers are not correctly recognized. The numbers for each line can then be entered manually.
  • Use the TAPI-line name
    As a rule, the phone number is displayed as the name of a line which is currently without an owner. If you wish to display the names supplied by the TAPI-driver for lines you should activate this option.
  • Group location
    Defines a Location for all lines in a line group. In addition to location selection, the following options may also be configured:

    Permits assignment of different locations in the line properties for each line.

    UCServer automatically determines the line's location based on the phone number. This setting only works if the line can be assigned to a location via the extension number. Line phone numbers here must be transferred from the driver, i.e. automatically set (no manual assignment of line phone number).

Characteristics of the line group - CTI functions
Here, you can configure extended settings for certain CTI functions.

  • Activate/deactivate CTI functions:
    Certain CTI features can be activated, or deactivated, from here. For example, features not properly supported by the telephone system can be hidden.
    -If you deactivate a function, it will never be offered irrespective of the status of the call.
    - If you activate a function, it will be offered accordingly if permitted by the status of the call.
  • Remote Office:
    Remote Office can be activated, or deactivated for all lines in the line group.

Characteristics of the line group - CTI feature codes
Here, you can configure extended settings for certain CTI functions.

  • CTI feature codes
    Here is where you can store the telephone system's CTI feature codes which are offered in the estos ProCall line menu if no telephone calls are being made on the corresponding line. If a call is produced from a selected feature code, it will only be displayed in the client only if the peer rings or the call is connected.
    Each feature code consists of a name which is displayed in the line menue and a code dialed on the telephone system as sson as the user has clicked on the feature code.
  • Pickup facility code
    Permits configuration of a facility code to carry out a pickup if the driver of the telephone system does not provide this via TAPI. Primarily, it will be attempted to realise a pickup via TAPI. If this fails, the facility code deposited will be used. The code must contain <NUMBER>for the number of the line which a call is to be picked up from. Example: *59<NUMBER>
  • Always executive a pickup as a pickup (no LineRedirect)
    In the event of a pickup, the estos UCServer will always try to forward the call from the extension called to the user carrying out the pickup. Only if forwarding fails will a pickup be carried out. By setting this option, you can make sure that a pickup is always carried out right away.
  • Reverse call direction in case of a pickup
    Some telephone systems report pickup calls as outgoing. This will result in a false display in the journal. This option permits reversal of the call direction.

Version 8.4