In order to use the feature Share Contents and make it possible for users to transfer files in Chat, the following configuration settings should be made. In the UCServer Manager in the Services menu under Share Contents you can activate and configure the use of the function Share Contents for the entire system.
Function | Description |
Activate | Activates the function Share Contents for the overall system |
File location | Here you can define the directory where UCServer places the files in temporary storage for the file transfer. |
Define total capacity (specification in MB) | Capacity that is permitted to be used in its entirety for the storage of files before a low space warning message is displayed. You can activate the warning message in the UCServer in the General Menu under Events. |
Maximum file size (specification in MB) | Limits the size for an individual file |
Blocked file extensions | Manage blacklist for files not authorized for dispatch. You can exclude individual file extensions from dispatch or receipt here. |
Delete files | Automatic deletion of files in temporary storage after a specified time interval |
You can administer individual users or groups in the UCServer manager in the menu item User Management. The authorizations for users or user groups can be granted there.
The files to be sent are temporarily stored on UCServer. In this way, the files can also be preserved for users who are not currently logged on. The files are stored in externally non-readable format in the file system and thus protected from unwanted access. Manual cleaning of this intermediate storage is not recommended. Instead, use the "Delete Files" function of the UCServer Manager. | |
The maximum size for a file to be transferred is restricted by the system to 25MB. | |
In order for a user to be able to use the function Share Contents, this service must be enabled in his/her User Account. |
Version 8.4