Settings for special situations which only occur under special circumstances and with certain phone systems can be set up here.
Tapi LINE_REINIT report
How estos UCServer reacts to a LINE_REINIT message is defined here. This message can be triggered by a TAPI-driver if it has no automatic error handling implementation e.g. for when the connection to the phone system is lost. This setting is especially necessary for Panasonic phone systems.
Line cannot be initialized
How estos UCServer reacts if a line cannot be initialized when estos UCServer is started is defined here. Either the line is then not available until after rebooting or another attempt is made to initialize the line.
Delay after lineOpen
Here the time span can be preset for how long the estos UCServer waits after every opening of a line.
This is in particular a setting for the AASTRA OpenCom 1000. Here it's possible that lines cannot be opened if lineOpen is required too fast one after the other. Recommended setting for this system is: 500 milliseconds.
Version 8.4