
estos ProCall uses a journal provided by the server. All incoming and outgoing calls will always be stored on estos UCServer irrespective of these settings. estos ProCall also allows you to copy journal entries into Outlook® or HCL Notes®.

Select data source:
If you use both Outlook® and HCL Notes®, you can select your preferred system as the data source.

  Setup journal file
estos ProCall always lays out the journal copies in the set journal folder. If another journal folder should be used, this can be changed here with the "Search" button. Please note that only the journal folder can be selected in the choice dialog. Select "default" to activate the default-journal folder.

Create automatic journal copies
In addition to the option of creating a copy of a journal entry in Outlook® or HCL Notes® manually via the context menu, estos ProCall can also create automated journal entries during telephone calls in Outlook® or HCL Notes®:

  • For a call memo
    Activate this option, and estos ProCall will always store a journal copy in Outlook® or HCL Notes® as soon as you enter a memo about the call in the call window while you speak.

  • Contact from own mailbox
    Activate this option, and estos ProCall will always store a journal copy in Outlook® or HCL Notes® as soon as a contact from one of your personal contact files was assigned to the call.

Use the Journal browser for a more detailed call journal.
Since estos ProCall keeps a journal provided by the server, journal entries for every call in Outlook® or HCL Notes® are not necessary. This saves unnecessary objects and ensures lasting high-quality performance of Outlook® and HCL Notes®.
You can see an overview of your last calls in the estos ProCall main window if you click the Journal tab.
For special requirements, it may be necessary to save all calls as journal entries in Outlook® or HCL Notes®. This can be activated in the Windows® registry. Details can be found at Control functions via Windows® Registry. Please note that activation of this function is not recommended!

Version 8.4