

Display estos ProCall with Windows® log-on
Use this option if estos ProCall is to be started automatically when the system re-boots. The client is always started minimised in this case.

Show start process
Check this checkbox if you want more detailed information to be shown on the screen when estos ProCall starts.


  • Show at program start
    Automatically re-opens the monitoring program, when ProCall is re-started. This setting is useful when you want to temporarily close the monitor window during your session, however it should be re-started when ProCall is also re-started.
  • At program startup as last
    In this mode, the monitoring program will only be displayed when it starts, if it had been open when the last ProCall session ended.

Show speech bubble for

If at least one of this settings are active a speech bubble will show you the according information near the windows taskbar.

  • Missed calls
    Display of all unanswered calls
  • Unread E-Mails
    Display of new e-mails in the in-box
  • Chats
    Display of unanswered chats
  • Planned calls
    Display of planned calls due
  • Challenge-Response
    Display of open Challenge-Responses
  • Fax messages
    Display of new Fax messages in the Inbox


  • Open Contacts by default for editing
    Contacts are normally opened for display in estos ProCall. Alternatively, you can set-up the contacts to be always open for editing. By keeping the CONTROL key pressed down, you can switch to the operation not selected by default when clicking on a contact.
  • Commit contact detail tabs last selected to memory
    With this function, you will open the contact detail window always with in the same tab. If you close the contact detail window in the tab "Unprocessed", the page "Unprocessed" will automatically appear when you next open a contact.
  • Register as default telephony application
    Here you can control whether estos ProCall should automatically register itself automatically at start as a standard-telephony application. The standard-telephony application takes on telephone dialing requests on the TAPI level and diverts this to the telephone or telephone system.
  • Register as default Instant-Messaging application
    This lets you control whether estos ProCall is to automatically register at start as a default application for instant messaging. The default application for instant messaging is for example used by Microsoft Outlook® to start chats or to get contact information such as presence, contact name or contact picture.
  • Play notification sounds
    Notification sounds of estos ProCall will be configured through the audio scheme of Microsoft® Windows®. You can switch off notification sounds altogether here and open the relevant Windows® settings page.

Version 8.4