The responsible estos UCServer can find estos ProCall through different ways:
Secure encrypted connection (TLS) is required
This option will force encrypted data transmission between estos UCServer and estos ProCall. A corresponding certificate must be stored on the estos UCServer computer.
Use these settings for all users
estos ProCall supports hosting scenarios in terminal server environments in cooperation with several independent estos UCServer instances.
The Use These Settings for All Users checkbox will only be available on the system-wide server configuration dialog.
Activate this checkbox if you use only one estos UCServer system or all users on this computer (especially for terminal servers) should only use one estos UCServer system. With this option, all users on the computer will be use the system-wide settings. If you use several estos UCServer instances and the users of one computer (especially for terminal servers) should connect to different estos UCServer instances, this checkbox should not be activated. Thereby, the server connection data will specified explicitly for each user logged in and may be configured optionally from the workstation setup dialog from the Server Configuration for This User tab or from Login Account through estos ProCall. |
A user-specific configuration of the server connection data will be taken into consideration by estos ProCall, the SDK components and the advanced remote TAPI driver. In contrast, the automatic updating service and the multiline TSP will always use the system-wide server configuration, regardless of the server configuration for all users. |
Version 8.4