UCServer Tools for Active Directory®

Users, groups, and computers can be not only be managed and configured by estos UCServer administrator, but also by a so-called Active Directory® Snap-In. Thus, features and settings of users/groups or computers can be configured directly in the ""Active Directory® Users and Computers"" of Windows®.

A prerequisite for this is that the user administration in UCServer Administrator uses the Active Directory® (instead of the internal user management). In addition the snap-in must be installed from the UCServer Tools for Active Directory® package. This must not be necessarily on the domain controller (DC) or the server where the Active Directory® is installed and provided. With "Remote Server Administration Tools" from Microsoft® servers can also be managed by workstations. In this case also the snap-in must be installed on the workstation.

The setup estos UCServer Tools for Active Directory® installs the following components:

  • UCServer Tools for Active Directory® - Snap-In
    This application configures the Active Directory® to be able to use the UCServer Snap-In. The UCServer Snap-In is an MMC expansion, which enables management to manage UC settings on the Active Directory® Users and Computers console.
  • UCServer Tools for Active Directory® - Scheme Setup
    This application extends the Active Directory® schema for storing the UCServer configuration.

Schema extension - yes or no?
Active Directory® is a database in which settings can be stored. This database has certain fields defined by Microsoft®. A schema extension is an extension of the field definitions. You can use the UCServer with Active Directory® either with or without a schema extension. You must, however, decide whether you wish to extend the schema or not before installation. Here are a few points to help you with the decision:

Extend schema Do not extend schema
The schema extension is recommended by Microsoft®. Applications which are integrated into Active Directory® should store their settings in fields which are specially reserved for this application with a schema extension. The schema extension is not compulsory. The settings are then stored in an existing field.
Compatibility with other applications is ensured with a schema extension. If the schema is not extended it is possible that another software producer may use the same reserved field for their settings. If you do not use any applications which are integrated into Active Directory® you will have no problems without a schema extension. Check where other applications you use store their settings.


  • UCServer and the Active Directory® Snap-In can use the Active Directory® with or without a schema extension.
  • Decide on a schema extension, so you should make them before you configure the users in UCServer.
  • The UCServer Snap-In for Active Directory® can also be used with or without schema extensions.
  • Settings are read from Active Directory®, as well as written. Make sure that the appropriate rights for this are available.

Version 8.4