Unanswered calls
With these rules it's defined which phone calls should be marked as unanswered in the journal. It will be distinguished between missed calls or calls which were forwarded and then answered. For both scenarios it can be defined seperately which user receives the call marked as unanswered.
Unanswered calls deposited to ...
- no participant
No participant who has been called receives the call marked as a missed call in the journal.
- den erster Teilnehmer, der den Ruf nicht beantwortet hat
The participant whose phone has rung first receives this phone call marked in the journal as unanswered.
- the last participant with an unanswered call
The participant whose phone has rung last receives this phone call marked in the journal as unanswered.
- all participants, who have not answered the call
All participants whose phone has rung receive this phone call marked in the journal as unanswered.
Forwarded and answered phone calls deposit to ...
- no participant
No participant who has been called receives the call marked as a missed call in the journal.
- den erster Teilnehmer, der den Ruf nicht beantwortet hat
The first participant who has not answered the phone call receives it marked as unanswered in the journal.
- den letzten Teilnehmer, der den Ruf nicht beantwortet hat
The last participant who has not answered the phone call receives it marked as unanswered in the journal.
- alle Teilnehmer, bei denen der Ruf nicht beantwortet wurde
All participants who have not answered the phone call receive it marked as unanswered in the journal.
Special cases
Some scenarios are treated differently:
- Anruf wird durch Pickup auf einer anderen (möglicherweise nicht überwachten) Nebenstelle beantwortet
If the TAPI driver reports a call disconnected per LINEDISCONNECTMODE_PICKUP, the call is logged as 'answered' because a 'pickup call' changes the call state always to 'connected'. Regardless if the answering party is monitored or not, the disconnect cause of a call can be found in a TAPI trace (e.g. using 'TAPICaps' of the support tools). The Journal logs the connected party if the party is monitored by the UCServer.
- The user forwards the call to another party using the ProCall. The other party may not be monitored.
If a user forwards a call via ProCall to another party the server logs the call as 'answered', regardless if the other party is monitored or not. For example, if a user forwards all calls to his mobile phone all incoming calls are logged as 'answered'.
In the journal entry it's noted who has answered the call.
A phone call is logged as unanswered by the estos UCServer once the call ended. If the option "Report unanswered phone calls to the first participant who hasn't answered the call" is valid but the call is still in the system (e.g. in a cyclic call distribution), then logging is done once the caller has finished the call. It is possible that users receive journal entries which are marked with a delay as not processed. For answered calls applies the same: The information who has answered the phone call is noted in the journal only at the end of the telephone call.