The Journal tab in the main window shows the last calls and chats. It contains the most important information in a view. The entries are always grouped by days.
The calls displayed use the same icons on the Journal tab as in the journal browser.
The Journal tab can filter the shown entries with various options:
With estos ProCall Attendant Console it is possible to filter journal entries with a freely defined text. For example type '123' into the input field of the filter options to reduce the contents of the view to entries which are containing the text '123'. Please note that using the free text filter in this view only affects the currently loaded data and hides unwanted rows for a quick access. For a complete full text search in the complete database please use the journal browser instead.
In the Journal tab you can configure the shown columns. You can reposition a column by left click and hold the left mouse button on the column header. Now move the mouse to the desired position. To remove a column, just move it outside the table. Right click on a column header opens a context menü. There you can change the visibility of columns and you can set the columns and their grouping options back to default. With this context menu you can open the field selection dialog. Here you can drag and drop column headers in to the table to add these columns to the view.
Unlike the journal browser, the Journal tab does not have to be updated manually. New journal entries are entered automatically. | |
Unedited calls and chats will be shown in bold. | |
Calls which are answered by other users are shown in blue. | |
Journal entries can be sorted by clicking on their column headers (reverse ordre it by click again). Please note, that journal entries are sorted within their grouping setting (per day). | |
Please note that the journal in the main window is only a brief view of the journal entries. You will find a detailed journal with all columns and journal entries in the Journal browser. |
Version 8.1