Audio-/Video conversation window
The Audio-/Video conversation window is active while an Audio-/VideoChat conversation is present. Using the AudioChat mode no Video area is displayed thus the AudioChat window size is smaller than the VideoChat window size. But the usage for establishing Audio/VideoChats and the device handling is identical between Audio and VideoChat. The Audio/Video conversation window comprises of the contact area at the upper left corner and below a coloured keypad for Audio/VideoChat call control (e.g. accept calls, hang-up calls), a Text Chat area, below an area for Screen Sharing and a status line at the bottom. If Video is present the conversation window includes a video area at the right side including control buttons (overlays) becoming visible once the mouse moves over. The Chat area (text mode) at the left lower side can be used in any call state. If multiple video streams are shown (e.g. camera views and a shared screen) the major video picture can be changed by clicking on one of the minor video pictures. If the Audio-/Video conversation window is maximized the view changes to full screen mode. The full screen mode can be stopped by pressing the Escape key. The text based chat doesn't depend on any callstates and can be used any time.
Several Audio/VideoChats are supported simultaneously. Each Audio/VideoChat is represented by a conversation window. Only one conversation window can be active at the same time. Additional calls are in “on hold” state. If another call is accepted additionally to an existing call, the first call is automatically placed on hold. A call that is on hold can be activated by a “Retrieve” button.
In addition to the described methods how to accept and reject calls some USB devices offer the possibility to control the calls with device buttons (Human Interface Device "HID" buttons). This means that an Audio-/VideoChat can be accepted or dropped per device button. The microphone can be muted per device button. The supported devices and how to configure them can be found at the chapter Audio/Video Wizard, call control per device buttons.
Incoming Audio-/VideoChat
An incoming Audio-/VideoChat opens the AV conversation window. At the left upper corner the calling contact is displayed. A specific ringer sound plays at the speaker standard device to indicate the incoming Audio-/VideoChat to the user. While ringing an incoming VideoChat the local picture is shown at a large Video area at the right side of the window. The picture appears to be mirrored in order to allow users to check their apperance as using a real mirror:
Accept an AudioChat
If the green button with the headset and text has been pressed for accepting calls, the call will be accepted. The status bar on the bottom left indicates the quality of the media connection.
Accept VideoChat
If the green button with the triangle and text has been pressed for accepting calls, the call will be accepted. The status bar on the bottom left indicates the quality of the media connection. The local video image will be small and the remote participant’s video image will appear large. The local Video area can be hidden by pressing a small triangle item at the lower right side of the large Video picture. The triangle item is a toggle button thus once pressed again the local video area appears back again.
Reject an Audio/VideoChat
If the red button with the rectangle and text has been pressed for rejecting calls, the call will be rejected and the audio- or video-chat window will be closed.
Outgoing Audio-/VideoChat
With an outgoing Audio-/VideoChat the AV conversation window opens. At the left upper corner the called contact is shown. A specific ringback sound is played at the configured
Audio device (e.g. headset) as soon as the remote device could be contacted and rings. If VideoChat is used the local picture is shown at the large right Video area. While running an outgoing VideoChat the local picture is shown at a large Video area at the right side of the window. The picture appears to be mirrored in order to allow users to check their apperance as using a real mirror. During the call establishment phase several operations are possible:
Hang-up the Audio/VideoChat
If the red button with the rectangle item is pressed the outgoing Audio/VideoChat is disconnected and the Audio/Video conversation window is closed again. The called contact finds a small "bubble" message at the Windows® system tray in order to allow a comfortable call back per mouse click.
Connected Audio-/VideoChat
If the called contact accepted the Audio/VideoChat the parties can communicate with each other. Several options are possible:
Hang-up the Audio/VideoChat
If the red button with the rectangle item is pressed the Audio-/VideoChat is disconnected and the Audio/Video conversation window is closed again. A specific disconnect sound is played to the Audio standard device indicating the closed call.
Quality and status line
During an Audio-/VideoChat the quality of the data stream is indicated by a small triangle bar item. The more black bars are shown the better is the data stream quality. Moving the mouse over the item additional information is presented to the user as tooltip text: overall quality (good/bad), transmit statistics ("TX" values), receive statistics ("RX" values), Codec used(e.g. "Opus" with Audio and "VP8" with Video), Video resolution (e.g. 640x480), consumed bandwidth in kilobit per second (kb/s), Jitter buffer in milliseconds (ms), Round-Trip-Time "RTT" in milliseconds (how long the signal takes forth and back) and the calculated available bandwidth for Audio- and Video signals (mostly not fully consumed). The "ICE (TURN/STUN) Info" contains information about the IP-addresses and ports of the current media connection. Along with the IP-address, the connection type of the ICE candidates is displayed in parentheses ("host" - local IP in the LAN, "srflx" and "prflx" – usually publically available IP in the WAN (STUN), "relay" – usually publically available IP in the WAN (TURN)). The media connection status is shown next to the triangle bar symbol (e.g. connected). To the right the elapsed time for the Audio/VideoChat counts up.
Mute button for Audio/Video devices
Near the red Hang-up button a small triangle button opens a menu for "muting" the microphone or the camera devices (if present).
Microphone mute overlay button with VideoChat
In the small, local Video picture an overlay button to mute the microphone appears while moving over with the mouse. While being muted the overlay button appears striked out. Pressing again the button turns back to normal.
Camera mute overlay button with VideoChat
In the small, local Video picture an overlay button to mute the camera appears while moving over with the mouse. While being muted the overlay button appears striked out. Pressing again the button turns back to normal.
Adapt Video picture size with VideoChat
In the main Video picture an overlay button to adapt the main Video size appears (to remove black stripes) while moving over with the mouse. Pressing the button again the Video size turns back to normal.
Control the remote Camera with VideoChat
If the remote camera supports remote control and if the remote user enabled the feature with the Audio/Video Wizard the local user can move the remote camera. The camera can be turned to the left (arrow key left), to the right (arrow key right), upwards (arrow key up) and downwards (arrow key down). Further it is possible to zoom-in (key "-") and to zoom-out (key "+"). The controlling user may also move the remote camera by using the mouse in the main Video picture with the related overlay buttons.
Share screen
By pressing the Share screen button a local screen can be shared with a remote contact. The feature is available only if the related rights are granted by the administrator.
Request Screen Sharing
Would you like to see another user's screen, you can also request to share the screen by clicking Request Screen Sharing. The feature is available only if the related rights are granted by the administrator.
- Change devices
In an active Audio/VideoChat you can change your input/output devices here.
The configuration of your Audio/Video devices to be used with Audio/VideoChat can be done with the Audio/Video Wizard. |
The conversation window of a Audio-VideoChat includes also a Text Chat capability. |