Journal browser
The journal browser of estos ProCall offers a more detailed view on your calls and chats than the journal tab in the main window. Here you can get all calls of arbitrary time frames and you can group them with differently, not only ba days.
The calls displayed use the same symbols in the Journal browser as in the main window:
Incoming calls (connected)
Incoming missed calls (not connected)
Outgoing calls (connected) and calls (not connected)
Incoming audio chats (connected)
Incoming missed audio chats (not connected)
Outgoing Audio Chats
Incoming video chats (connected)
Incoming missed video chats (not connected)
Outgoing video chats
Incoming screen sharing (connected)
Incoming missed screen sharing (not connected)
Outgoing screen sharing
The journal browser has a series of filters with whose help certain calls can be displayed or hidden depending on their type.
Clicking on this button will reset all type-based filter settings to their default values. All calls that you have made will also be displayed again.
Incoming calls
Activate this option to display just incoming calls. Deactivate this option to display both incoming and outgoing calls.
Outgoing calls
Activate this option to display just outgoing calls. Deactivate this option to display both incoming and outgoing calls.
Internal calls
Activate this option to display just incoming calls. Deactivate this option to display both incoming and outgoing calls.
External calls
Activate this option to display just external calls. Deactivate this option to display both external and internal calls.
Calls (not connected)
Activate this option to display just calls which were not connected. This also contains all missed calls. Deactivate this option to display both calls which were connected and calls which were not connected.
Calls (connected)
Activate this option to display just connected calls. Deactivate this option to display both calls which were connected and calls which were not connected.
With note
Activate this option to display just calls for which call memos were saved. Deactivate this option to display both calls with and calls without call memos.
Without note
Activate this option to display just calls without call memos. Deactivate this option to display both calls with and calls without call memos.
Phone number hidden
Activate this option to also display phone conversations that block the partner's phone number. Deactivate this option to only display those conversations that provided the partner's phone number.
Public entries
Activate this option to also display calls by other estos ProCall users. Please note that private calls by other estos ProCall users are not displayed. Equally, the journal entries of other estos ProCall users cannot be changed as a rule. Deactivate this option to only display your own phone calls.
Filter journal type
Use this feature to filter journal types. By default, all journal types will be
displayed. Journal type options include:
TextChats only
AudioChats only,
VideoChats only
phone calls only.
In addition, estos ProCall supports further functions for finding journal entries:
- Date filter:
Select the desired start and end date in the date fields in order to display just journal entries from within a certain period. Alternatively you can also use the pre-defined keys Today, Last week or Last month to set the time period.
- Text filter:
You can filter journal entries by a freely defined text. For example, type in the name of a sought after contact into the text field and press Enter. Alternativly you can start the search by pressing the Start search button.
The journal browser has the ability to group journal entries by certain criterias. You can change the grouping option in a drop down box in the area View.
Group by days
All journal entries from the same day are grouped together.
Group by contacts
All the same conversation partner's journal entries are grouped together.
Group by project
All journal entries assigned to the same project are bundled.
List view
The journal entries are displayed without grouping.
More journal entries
By default, a maximum of 100 hits will be returned from searches by estos ProCall. All additional journal entries corresponding to the search criteria can be requested by clicking the Additional Journal Entries button. That button is on the status bar. The button will be hidden when all log entries have been displayed.
The print function in the journal browser enables you to print either everything or only the selected journal entries as a list. It is printed the same as it is displayed on screen, i.e. with the current groupings and all visible columns.
You can freely change the columns to view in the journal browser.
You can reposition a column by left click and hold the left mouse button on the column header. Now move the mouse to the desired position. To remove a column, just move it outside the table. Right click on a column header opens a context menü. There you can change the visibility of columns and you can set the columns and their grouping options back to default. With this context menu you can open the field selection dialog. Here you can drag and drop column headers in to the table to add these columns to the view.
Unlike the Journal tab in the main window the journal browser must be updated manually, especially if new journal entries are added. |
Calls and chats marked as Unprocessed are highlighted in bold type. |
Calls which are answered by other users are shown in blue. |
The journal entries can also be sorted if you click the column headers (reverse sorting on second click). If a grouping has been set, the journal entries within each group are sorted according to the sort criterion. |
The grouping after projects is only available when the settings to Projects were configured that should use estos ProCall projects. |