Call Protection

Link Call Protection to "Do Not Disturb" presence status

You can link "Call Protection" settings to the "Do Not Disturb" presence status. This requires that the telephone system supports that function for your telephone, or this function must be enabled in UCServer for the Softphone line.

"Do Not Disturb" presence status controls Call Protection
Setting a "Do Not Disturb" presence status activates "Call Protection" for all telephone and softphone lines and also for AudioChat and VideoChat (incl. screen transfer).

Call Protection controls "Do Not Disturb" presence status
Activating "Call Protection" for a line causes your presence status to be automatically set to "Do Not Disturb". "Call Protection" on other lines is not affected by this, nor by the option '"Do Not Disturb" Presence Status Controls Call Protection'.

Apply Call Protection to all communication devices
If you change Call Protection (DND) on your desk telephone, this setting is applied to all telephone and softphone lines and also to AudioChat and VideoChat. If 'Call Protection Controls "Do Not Disturb" Presence Status' is activated as well, presence status is set accordingly.

Reject calls when busy

If the telephone system is configured so you can receive a second call (call waiting), a second call that comes into your telephone or softphone is signaled to you during a telephone conversation. In addition, the various communication devices in ProCall (telephone, softphone, audio chat, video chat) work independently of one another. Second calls may therefore occur on just one communication device, or on a set of communication devices. The following settings allow you to control this behavior.

Busy on Busy
If this option is activated, second calls made to the line on which you're making a call are declined with "Busy".

Busy on Busy across multiple devices
If this option is activated, new calls that come in on other lines during a telephone call are declined with "Busy".

If unconditional call forwarding (forward all calls (both internal and external)) is set for a line, Busy on Busy will not be activated for that line.
