Replicator for VW Cross

Please follow the general instructions for setting up a replicator on the Replicator Wizard page.

Procedure for Adding a Replicator

  1. Select the type of data source
    Select the database type "VW Cross".
  2. Data source settings:
    • Select the directory from which to import.
    • Specify the client number.
    • If "Continue replication on data errors" is selected, the line numbers of lines with errors are written to the VWCrossReplicator_<timestamp>.txt file in the log directory. Otherwise, replication will be aborted in case of data errors.
  3. Configure links to contact URL
  4. Datasource location settings
  5. Schedule replication plan
  6. Defining additional applications to be started
  7. Assigning a name for the new replicator

The VW Cross Replicator imports all initial as well as delta files with the following specifications:

Property Value
File format: UTF-8
BOM (Byte-Order-Mark) "0xEFBBBF" optional
Header with field label present ; field label fix after Feldzuordung
Separator "|"
Fields in quotes no
Comment sign none
Initial file name pattern cti_<Mandant>_<1 character>_<13 characters>_<32 characters>.csv
Delta file name pattern cti_<Mandant>_delta.csv
*Client: 5-digit client or company number


  • Unlike other replicators, the field mapping is fixed.
  • Initial files are always imported first, then the delta files.
  • Initial files are renamed after successful import by appending "-<timestamp>.done" and thus are not replicated again.
  • If neither an initial nor a delta file is found in the replication directory, replication reports an error.

Field mapping:

CSV MetaDirectory LDAP-field
gptnr Primary key entryID
(automatically generated)
name2 First name givenName
name1 surname
(if gptyp_bez="Person")
titel Position title
name1 Company
(if gptyp_bez="Firma")
Department department
Room physicalDeliveryOfficeName
street Street streetAddress
zip PLZ postalCode
location location l
State st
intpostkz Country c
Street private privateAddressStreet
ZIP privat privateAddressPostalCode
Location privat privateAddressCity
State private privateAddressState
Country private privateAddressCountry
Street another otherAddressStreet
ZIP another otherAddressPostalCode
Location more otherAddressCity
State another otherAddressState
Country another otherAddressCountry
E-mail mail
E-mail 2 mail2
E-mail 3 mail3
SIP Address sipAddress
Website url
telefonnr1 Tel. Business telephoneNumber
telefonnr2 Tel. Business 2 otherTelephone
telefonnr3 Tel. Company telephoneNumberCompanyMain
Tel. assistant telephoneAssistant
Tel. private homephone
Tel. private 2 otherHomePhone
Tel. Primär telephonePrimary
Tel. Mobil mobile
Tel. Mobil 2 telephoneCar
Tel. Radio telephoneRadio
Tel. Pager pager
Tel. callback telephoneCallback
Tel. ISDN telephoneISDN
Tel. TTYTTD telephoneTTYTTD
Fax business facsimileTelephoneNumber
Fax private otherFacsimileTelephoneNumber
customer nr. customerid
Data to open the contact directOpenContact
Comment info
gebdatum User 0 custom0
User 1 custom1
gpbetrieb User 2 custom2
gp_wuensch_vk User 3 custom3
gp_wuensch_kdb User 4 custom4
letzte_kdb User 5 custom5
amtkennz1 User 6 custom6
amtkennz2 User 7 custom7
amtkennz3 User 8 custom8
modbezeichnung1 User 9 custom9
picture jpegPhoto
Image path imagePath
modbezeichnung2 User 10 custom10
modbezeichnung3 User 11 custom11
huautermin1 User 12 custom12
huautermin2 User 13 custom13
huautermin3 User 14 custom14
User 15 custom15
User 16 custom16
User 17 custom17
User 18 custom18
loesch_kz User 19 custom19

Version 6