Recording mode for the voice-mailbox

Here you can define via which device you want to record and listen to your announcements.




Using your computer

If the option "Record via microphone" has been activated on the ixi-UMS Voice-Mail Server and a microphone is connected to your computer, you can record your announcement directly via this headset.


Note: This option is not available in Internet Explorer,



Depending on the browser you are using, clicking on the button AufnahmegeraetWaehlen-Button will lead to a message in which you must grant access.

If this message does not appear or if you are informed that you cannot use this function, you may have to enable this function in the browser settings under "Private & Privacy".



Then select the microphone\headset via which you want to record your greeting.


After your selection, save the setting and switch to the profile management to record or listen to your greeting.



Some browsers only save this setting for the current session. In this case, you have to select the headset again after logging in again.



Via phone call

To record announcements over a phone the ixi-UMS Voice-Mail Server must call you. By default ixi-UMS will call you on your office number. If you have been granted authorization, you can enter your own phone number. After entering the phone number, it must be saved Speichern-Button.

On the phone number selected here the ixi-UMS Voice-Mail Server will call you if you want to record or listen to your announcement.  


After defining the recording mode you can record your greetings for the ixi-UMS Voice-Mailbox.


Version 8.00