Location Routing

When several locations are connected to the ixi-UMS Kernel it has to be determined, which outgoing messages shall be sent via which location. Outgoing messages can be routed based on the recipient number (destination), the sender (MAIL FROM) or the (sender) information from another specified field.


Additional Routing Field:

ONE header field can be stated here, which shall be utilized by the ixi-UMS Kernel for the "Outbound"-Routing. The entry then applies to all the message types.

Which fields can be used is described in the following at "additional routing field".




Via "Add", the routing entries are created.



It has to be determined from which field the routing information shall be read out, which services is affected by the entry, the criterion and then the destination.  


Please note:

For routing to "Destination" and "Mail From" (sender) , the phone numbers must be entered without spaces.

If sender information is evaluated in the "Additional Routing Field", it must be entered as it appears in the job.


After that, they can be moved to the correct place via the buttons "Move Up" and "Move Down".




The entries are processed according to their order top down. The first corresponding rule is executed, this means the correct order of the entries must be considered.



When using "SMS" at several locations, please note that the outgoing short messages cannot be routed to "destination". A routing to "Destination" is not possible. If the e-mail sender address is the same of all the users and therewith cannot be used as routing criterion, the header field "X-COVERINFO-Businessphone1:" or "X-COVERINFO-BusinessFax:" can be used for the routing, for example. These fields are filled in most environments at all the users and contain the site information that can be used as criterion.


When "MWI"-messages" are routed:

·one of the additional header fields, in which telephone/fax-sender number information is entered, shall be used as a criterion. Further information can be found in the ixi-UMS Voice-Mail Server manual.

·route to destination can be use. In this case, the entries for activation and deactivation are created automatically when the rule is entered.


At "Test Rules", the rules and the order of the utilization can be checked. Please take care that with with every test both the fields are filled out.


Version 8.00