
To establish the connection, the "Provider" file must be edited.



For the connection to the "T-Mobile Large Accont" 4 sections are deposited.


The IP addresses of the providers required for the connection are entered and must be accessible from ixi-UMS.




If no connection to the provider can be established, the outgoing messages remain in the status "in transmission" in the ixi-UMS kernel.


The user name (UserId) and password must be stored in each section.


Then save and close the file.



Sender number

The sender number can be the "Fax" or "ISDN" sender number or a fixed telephone number.


The setting is changed in the "SMS.ini". The changes must be made in both sections.


Individual sender number:

If the individual ISDN sender number is to be sent by the user, the fax or ISDN sender number must belong to the BUS. Under "OriginatorPrefix" must be entered what is missing for the user. Result must be an E.164 number without spaces. Example: OriginatorPrefix=+4981424799


Fixed sender number:

If a fixed sender number valid for all SMS (e.g. mobile phone number) is to be sent, "SetOriginator=1" must be set to "0".

The fixed sender number must be entered as "OriginatorPrefix". Example: OriginatorPrefix=+4917598410254


Then save and close the file.


Version 8.00