via GSM-Adapter


Select SMS configuration for the specified country



Select the mobile phone provider. Must match the mobile phone provider of your SIM card



GSM data adapter/mobile phone used



Die Konfiguration ändert sich mit Auswahl der Anbindung:


COM Port

Select the Com-Port to which the adapter is connected via data cable.


Max. Messages

If an SMS is longer than 160 characters, the ixi-UMS Kernel automatically splits it into two or more parts. With Max. Messages defines the maximum number of parts (= SMS messages) into which an extra long SMS is split. put back together at the receiver. If the message text is defined here for a longer period of time, sending is rejected and the user receives a corresponding notification. Observe the note.



IP / Port

If the connection to the LAN is provided in the configuration of the selected device, the IP address and the port must be specified.



Max. Messages

If an SMS is longer than 160 characters, the ixi-UMS Kernel automatically splits it into two or more parts. With Max. Messages defines the maximum number of parts (= SMS messages) into which an extra long SMS is split. If the message text is defined here for a longer period of time, sending is rejected and the user receives a corresponding notification.

Observe the note.


Confirm the selection with "Apply" before you make further settings. It is not necessary to restart the ixi-UMS Kernel Service.


Version 8.00