
All sent and received messages are listed in the journal. The entries are grouped by location. If only one location is configured, the grouping column can/should be moved back to the line with the column headings.




The following functions can be carried out via the "buttons" in the menu:



Refreshes the view


Distribute columns to the entire width

Show date/Time...

Switching of the time- and data view from single-column to two-column

Show numbers...

Toggle the display whether all phone numbers are in the format +49.... are displayed or the actually dialled and transmitted call number


open selected entry


Exports the current journal view into the file which could be of following formats: Excel File, Text File, HTML File, XML File.


Report generation


Stores the current data base file using the current date as a name and also the corresponding archive files in DB\Backups and creates a new empty database.

Open Backup

If opens a database provided by a backup

Resend Jobs

Marked UMS-messages can be provided to be resent.



ixi-UMS regularly and automatically backs up the journal database. The interval can be set in the ixi-UMS Kernel configuration in the Global Settings



The entries of the Jorunal database can also be exported using different tools.


Version 8.00