
The ixi-UMS Kernel by default creates a report for every outbound ixi-UMS message, which contains the report with the delivery information or failures. This report is delivered to the sender of the UMS-message as an e-mail, e.g. when using an SMTP-based Connector.

You can determine for every single service, whether a report shall be created or not.


Furthermore, the ixi-UMS Kernel creates a report for every inbound message. This report is added to the received message as text, for Example as e-mail-body.


The ixi-UMS Kernel report for incoming messages and feedback messages can be sent in the E-Mail in HTML format.

In this case, the "Fax Preview" can be used also.


You have to determine, in which language the reports shall be created. For changes in the content and form of the ixi-UMS Kernel reports, please have a look at

·the Additional Informations  in ixi-UMS Kernel manual (for Plain Text) and

·in the ixi-UMS Mail Server Connector manual the additional information: "Adjust the HTML templates for reports".


Version 8.00