
Fax coverpages and layouts for faxes can only be created at the server centrally.

However, personal files can be deposited for each user. Depending on the ixi-UMS Connector and the version installed, the user can state the coverpage per fax to be used himself or the administrator must determine it. For further information, please refer to the manual of the ixi-UMS Kernel and the ixi-UMS Connector.


In order to be able to design a fax message individually (e.g. inserting the company logo or the address data of the user), you can create an individually designed fax coverpage, which is inserted during the rendering process. The fax coverpage is deposited at the ixi-UMS Render Connector as HTML-file. By writing a text in the e-mail body, the fax coverpage is inserted. When the user attaches one or several documents to the e-mail, this is / these are converted into fax format and sent as consecutive pages.


Example of a message with fax coverpage




Outgoing fax                                                        Generated fax cover sheet


If the user wants to send the documents only, he just does not write any text in the e-mail body and only sends the attachments. That way, no fax coverpage is generated.  


Version 8.00